i-credit licensed moneylender aljunied

Driver’s License Loan

Driver's License Loan

Loan For Driver's License

As the cost of living in Singapore continues to go up, and job employment remains competitive and scarce due to the economic slowdown. Many Singaporeans are turning to become private-hire drivers to pursue their financial goals.

Be it creating a secondary source of income or a full-time income to support their family and themselves, we understand that it can be tough. 

Getting a driver’s license can be costly not just in terms of training fees but in time required too. (The average cost of a driving license can cost anywhere from 1.3k to 2.4k not taking into account of re-test from failures.)

Getting your driver's license loan

Let us help you move closer to your financial goals by financing your driver’s license training fees through loans.

We provide flexible repayment plans for loans. Repayment plans are customizable based on your preference, or what works best for you.

Enquire for more information about the repayment options